Friday, April 20, 2012


Cactus Ranch 3rd graders use an interactive keyboard to gain knowledge about the layout of the notes before beginning a keyboard unit in music class.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Cactus Ranch Weather Station

A big thanks goes out to one of our many invoolved parents, Bob Eckstein, who donated  a Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station to Cactus Ranch. Teachers and students can now monitor numerous amounts of data including temperature, wind speed and direction, rainfall, barometric pressure, humidity, and UV index.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Student Presentation Wins an Award

2nd grade student Colin P was awarded 1st place in the annual RRISD Black History Month Essay Contest. Colin submitted his presentation about Harriet Tubman for the contest. He says that he first became interested about Harriet Tubman after studying about her in 1st grade. Click on the image above to view Colin's presentation. Way to go Colin!

Taking Technology into Battle

Cactus Ranch 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders had the opportunity to participate
in the Battle of the Bluebonnets this spring. Students qualified for the
battle by reading at least 10 books off of this year's Bluebonnet Award
nominee list. Almost 30 students met the challenge and got the chance to go
head-to-head to show their knowledge about the books on this year's list.
The Battle of the Bluebonnets was held in the library and students used
TurningPoint clickers to record their answers as they competed in the
trivia game. The competition was intense, and the students had fun
celebrating each time they got a question right! The top 5 scorers won a
spot on the Cactus Ranch Battle of the Bluebonnets team and went on to
represent our school in a disrict-wide competition held at Patsy Sommer
Elementary. Our Cactus Ranch team did a great job competing against teams
from the other Round Rock ISD elementary schools and came in 6th place!